Wednesday 27 March 2013

Easter Update

Just to give you guys a quick heads up we'll be taking a brief break over Easter(Matt's working and I'll be destroying my liver) but should be back soon after, so hopefully next review will be up and ready for 8th April. I suppose to make this post a bit more interesting and to make up for the lack of video next week I'll give you a clue about what our next FAB review will be

Monday 25 March 2013

Bloopers 17

We are theoretically improving, at least now our mistakes also allow us to torture our cameraman!

Monday 18 March 2013

Monday 11 March 2013

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Some very nice looking, poorly thought out hippy bullshit.

Geeks of the Round table podcast!


Our first podcast. An intro to some of the other geeks and then an unorganised chat about bad youtube videos and films. Plus a brief synopsis on Adam Sandler and exciting news of Birdemic 2!